We would love for you to celebrate God with us on Sundays! Below are a few frequently asked questions that we hope will make you feel more at home on your first visit.
What time is worship?Morning worship begins at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary and runs right around an hour.
What should I wear?Whatever you want. Come as you are. Some people wear suits or shirts and ties, although some people wear jeans and shorts!
Where should I park?Go ahead and park in the big parking lot on the west side of the building. Go inside and upstairs to the sanctuary (we have some signs to help point the way). If you don’t know where to go, just ask someone! There are plenty of people who can help you along.*There are parking spots reserved for visitors in front of the church, along 15th Street. There are also spots reserved for seniors along the west side of the building.
Is there handicapped accessibility?Yes! We have lots of handicapped parking spots. There is an electronic door off the parking lot, in the center of the building. This door will lead you to an elevator that will take you upstairs.
Is there nursery care?Presently, there is not nursery care provided during worship service. The nursery is located on the lower level of the building (if you’re coming in from the parking lot, it’s on the far right side of the building). If you are taking your kids to the nursery, we ask that you please personally accompany them.
Am I allowed to take communion?We invite anyone who places their faith in Jesus Christ and seeks his strength to share in communion with us. Even if you’re not a member…even if you’re not Presbyterian. Out of sensitivity to many people who struggle with alcoholism, we serve grape juice instead of wine. We pass out bread and juice, and you take one. Hold onto it until everyone has some, and then we will eat and drink together
Do I have to give an offering?No. The offering provides a way for our members to support the life and ministry of the church. If you feel called to contribute, you certainly may, but please don’t feel like you have to.
What if I decide I want to join?We would love that! Just talk to our pastor. Joining the church is a very easy process, because we want you to be a part of this community! Our Session will vote to receive you, and then you will be formally received during worship (at a date and time determined by you and the pastor). You will make a few promises, we will make a few promises, and we will remind you of God’s promises. Then we’ll pray for you, and that’s it!
What about baptism?As Presbyterians, we baptize people of all ages, from infants to adults. If you have never been baptized, or if you would like your child baptized, contact the church office at (402) 443-4220. We will discuss the meaning of baptism with you and talk about why you desire baptism. If you have already been baptized, we will not baptize you again. Scripture says that there is only “one baptism.” We believe that God’s grace is good once and for all. We can, however, help you reaffirm the promises made in your baptism to mark a spiritual awakening in your life. Again, just talk to our pastor, and he can help you through this process.
For almost 50 years, our sanctuary has provided a beautiful space for weddings.Our sanctuary comfortably holds 250 people, and is available for members and non-members alike. We view it as a part of our mission as a church to help all people celebrate the love of God in their lives.If you are interested in having your wedding here, your first step is to contact the pastor. We suggest you contact us as early as possible, to avoid missing out on your preferred date! You will set up a time to meet with the pastor to discuss dates, times, and other basic information regarding the ceremony. Pre-marital counseling sessions are required of the bride and groom. You will schedule these with the pastor in your first meeting.
If you would like to talk more about your wedding, please call the church office at (402) 443-4220.
Welcome! Check out our church in Wahoo & plan to join us for worship & fellowship any Sunday. We have a pew saved for you.